Hello Hello,
🐞 were back with the onset of summer & we had to hammer them.
This release was minor & had only fixes like:-
  • Now while creating a group you can see the people you have added also you can remove them from that modal only
  • On registration a proper message would be displayed got the verification mail. Also the user is now redirected to Login page
  • Fixed error on setting landing as register page
  • Added/ Modified some keys
  • Modified the message shown for inappropriate campaign name while creating an ad
  • Direct IP block in socially SAAS for administrator
  • Event default date format
  • Reel not getting loaded properly
  • Stored Logo/Favicon in cache, Added cache to left sidebar
  • And few error fixes
  • Also some of the sentry bugs fixed.
  • Improved error handling
That's all for now.
Dev Team